Friday, May 9, 2008

These 25 photos were taken on Sunday 8/12/2007 in Coney Island, Brooklyn. They're in chronological order and none are cropped or really edited. It's interesting how they didn't emerge as the better ones, yet they're interesting even with their flaws. I wonder if we're editing our work down too much, and preventing these "imperfect" photos from being seen.


Joe Buglewicz said...

Morgan stop represent!!! I really enjoy this post...

Eli Meir Kaplan said...

Yeah, I'm totally with you Peter. That's what I think blogs are great for.

cheshire said...

that's a really interesting idea, and i agree with you. but, i think my predicament is a bit different since i post mostly film work, and scanning is terribly time-consuming and monotonous... would it make sense to scan images that are not worthy? i'm not sure.

Eli Reed said...

At a certain point after developing the basic tools and use of photography -- imperfection becomes your friend. It is a way of understanding the true meaning of perfection and it is a dish that is always on the menu and yet is rarely consumed. You have to free yourself of locking the mind into seeing only what you have seen before. There is a time to open up the door to your senses and once again -- allow the photograph to take you.
